Try Vibra Therapy for 14 days, and if you are not satisfied, then you can return it and get a full refund, not including return shipping charges. We must receive the purchased machine in original packing and all items in order to receive refund. For more information, please contact us.
Most companies require that you pay the freight and they will fix your original unit. This could take several weeks.
With Health and Beauty Connection, if there is a problem that arises with any unit, call us right away at 877-754-8481. From that phone call we will determine what the problem is and the best way to correct it. If it is not a simple fix, we will send you a new unit by FedEx Ground. When the new one arrives you put the old one in the box and we will provide return labels. You affix the labels to the box and call FedEx to pick it up to return to our warehouse. All of this is at no cost to you.
All machines have a TWO year warranty. So if for any reason, there is a problem, please call customer service at: 1-877-754-8481 and we will resolve the problem. Please have your name, invoice number and the name of the show where you purchased the machine at.